UniverSelf intends to become a trend setter in the area of self-management for future networks. To this end, UniverSelf will implement dissemination, promotion and standardisation activities aiming at ensuring a wide impact and take-up of the project's vision and outcomes. The main objectives are:
- To disseminate project results to project partners (to gain feedback and seed collaboration), to industry (to encourage take up of the technology) and to the wider community.
- To communicate with other related initiatives and Future Internet project working in similar areas to ensure that achievements have a concrete impact.
- To build and establish community wide understanding and acceptance of valuable project outcomes, regarding in particular certification an trust mechanisms for self-managing networks.
- To promote understanding and re-use of ideas developed in the project, enabling easy access to project results.
- To drive the "high impact"standisation bodies (such as ETSI, IETF and 3GPP, among others) towards the adoption of UniverSelf's research approach and outcomes.
- To create momentum and favourable conditions for industry buy-in of the solutions developed by UniverSelf.