The UniverSelf project is proud to announce the second release of the Report on Trendsetting Activities:
Deliverable 5.4: Report on Trendsetting Activities - Release 2
The report can be accessed under the Dissemination/Technical Reports section, or directly at the following link:
UniverSelf intends to become a trendsetter in the area of autonomic networking for future networks. To this end, the work package 5 of the project coordinates all the dissemination, promotion and standardisation activities aiming at ensuring a wide impact and take-up of the project's vision and outcomes.
The present document is an outcome of the four tasks constituting work package 5 of UniverSelf. It reports all the trendsetting activities, achieved in the previous period (from September 2010 to October 2012). It covers: publications, presentations, communication, project promotion, event organization (workshops, panels and special issues), prototype demonstrations, liaisons and collaboration with other projects and standardization actions.
The main trendsetting achievements of UniverSelf, which are detailed in this document, are:
- A total of 105 scientific publications: 83 published or accepted for publication, 22 submitted for review.
- Public release of 12 major technical reports, 8 white papers and 2 general project promotion publications: the project leaflet and a first press release; in addition to project and demo posters.
- Set-up and maintenance of an active web presence, which is referenced by Wikipedia.
- Release of five of the first standards with contribution and influence from the UniverSelf project: Y.3001 recommendation approved in May 2011 by ITU-T, Y.3011 recommendation approved in January 2012 by ITU-T, Y.3021 recommendation approved in January 2012 by ITU-T, AFI-001 group specification approved in May 2011 by ETSI and AFI-002 group specification to be approved in November 2012 by ETSI.
- Planning, monitoring of and participation in standardisation or pre-standardisation group meetings.
- Demonstration of the first UMF-compliant prototypes and network empowerment mechanisms at 3 widely-attended events.
- Organisation of relevant dissemination events and activities: workshops and special sessions (7); special issues (2); and active participation in events with European Commission support.
- Collaboration with other EU-funded projects and international research initiatives (12).
Preparation and planning of open-source solutions for management of future networks: 2 platforms under development at UCL and INRIA.